untie a mystery

The word talinhaga is derived from the Filipino phrase “magkataling-hiwaga”, which translates into “tied-mystery”. When something is described as “matalinhaga”, it connotes that the object bears a meaningful expression of mystery.

Mysteries are elements that make life meaningful. It can reveal something about the deeper self, the inner most being, and at times, even of genuine love. It can manifest through unconscious desires, sublime thoughts, impulses, and most essentially through works of art.

Art - whether it is in the form of illustration, of photography, of design, of poetry, of music, or others - is the passage way into which the self can be known, where the loose ends of the string of mystery can be found, and hopefully be untied.

So come and sit with me on this virtual couch, let us look deeper into humanity, and try to untie a mystery.

Cristal Rodriguez born and raised in Manila, Philippines, currently a transplant in New York. Educated in the field of psychology. Trained in the arts by the people, for the people and God. Advocates education, culture and arts development. Dreams of establishing an art school in the Philippines. 

For sample work requests email cristal@talinhaga.com. 

Certified teaching artist under Community Word Project’s Teaching Artist Training and Internship Program (TATIP).
